Citizen Kane Analysis

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In the opening of Citizen Kane there are many different shots and effects that are used. A close up shot  of sign stating 'No trespassing', suggests someone may be trespassing or whatever beyond there is dangerous. The establishing shot of the castle show were the events are taking place and sets the tone of the scene. Extreme close up shots are also used to emphasize the importance of some scenes. For example when the Kane speaks his final words,  the scene only shows his lips. This connotes that his final words has a significant meaning.

The director, Orson Welles, uses a variety of different camera angle to add onto the eerie atmosphere of the scene. For example, a low angle shot of the castle makes the castle look superior. This creates tension and suspense. Whereas, the high angle shots of the boats show the inferiority compared to the castle. The pan also helps us scope out the emptiness of the surrounding area of the castle and to emphasize its vastness. As we get closer we see an empty lifeless estate (aside from the caged monkeys).
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The fading transitions suggests there is a continuity between the shots. The use of accelerating time was used to suppress the time to get from the castle to Kane's deathbed. Match on action was used to show how fragile life is. The snow globe breaking accentuates the heart or how easily life can fade away. This highlights a sense of conclusiveness but also an oxymoron. For example falling snow suggests serenity and peace, however Kane's death was not peaceful as it seemed forced. Winter usually represents the end and death, whereas the summer represents life.

The music used within the opening scene completes the suspense and eerie effect that builds up. The non-diagetic sounds emphasizes the emptiness or lifelessness. The light and silence was used in conjunction to grab the audiences attention, a sudden turn to darkness. The mise-en-scene used completes the atmospheric aspect of the scene. Low-key lighting throughout creates intimidation and tension. Pathetic fallacy is used to show the mystery of the opening scene, fog is used to highlight how it is hard to see, so the whole place is an enigma.


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